Jul 9, 2024

MISTI Goes To Camp

I am sharing this card today on the My Sweet Petunia blog  for Team Tuesday.
I couldn't have made this card without products by My Sweet Petunia. I started with a white top folding A2 card base and a panel cut to the same size. I placed the panel in the Original MISTI and stamped the floral image on all four corners. After I got the stamping done, I added a Sticky Mat to the Original MISTI and placed the panel on the Sticky Mat so I could ink blend with a stencil and the panel not move. 
After I got the floral images colored by using the stencil, I cut out the words and added them to the front of the card by using the Precision Glue Press which made it a breeze even though they are so delicate.

This set was exclusive to C9 summer camp but I have linked a similar set below. 

All products are linked below when possible. I appreciate you using my links as it helps me earn a little commission at no extra cost to you. Please accept the cookies because that is how they track the sales. 

Thanks so much! 

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