Aug 9, 2021

Dare To Get Dirty 2021 - LuvLee

Dare To Get Dirty started on Saturday, if you are a fan club member of Splitcoaststampers then head over and start playing along because there are prizes. If you are not a member hurry and join the fun!  This card is for Lee's challenge.
To create this card I started with a top folding white card base. I stamped the floral image on a piece of watercolor paper and watercolored it using Atelier reinkers. 

This one is also for Day 9 of the 30 Day coloring Challenge 

Below you will find links to the products used. Click the picture to start shopping. Compensated Affiliate links are used at no additional cost to you. Your support helps me to keep bringing you new projects and I appreciate that so much!  
Thank you! 

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