Aug 19, 2023

Craft Roulette #177

Hey Y'all!
I am back with this weeks submission to Craft Roulette. I may or may not be hooked on the impromptu card making show.  If you haven't played along you should. There are four parameters that you have to follow.
Project, Element, Colors and Random.
This weeks parameters were Picture Frame Card, Game(s), Summer Vacation and Check(s)
Can you find these four parameters in my card?
To make this card, I started with a white top folding A2 card base and a white panel with I blended some inks and also used a spray for the bright green grass (summer vacation). A added a white scalloped frame (picture frame) to add contrast. Next I cut out some dandelions and added some gold was to the edges.  To finish the card I added a Tag (game) cut out of some plaid (checks) patterned paper. 

Below you will find links to the products used. Click the picture to start shopping. Compensated Affiliate links are used at no additional cost to you. Your support helps me to keep bringing you new projects and I appreciate that so much!  


Also if you will notice the new Black and Teal MISTIS are in stock, click the picture  below to order yours! 

Thank you! 

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